The Moran Clan

The Moran Clan

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Back by 'not so popular demand' But soon to be popular demand!

I know it's been over a year since my last post so I wont even try to "back-track', instead I have posted a few pictures of things this blog has missed since then.

This morning Chris left for Dallas on business :-(. Thankfully this trip will be a short one since he will return sometime tomorrow. I woke up this morning around 6:30am and it was not pretty! lately I have been so very exhausted in the mornings and I think its because of the medicines that I am on. However, the effort to get out of bed this morning wasn't as bad as mornings before.

Kayla went to her last day of Summer Mothers Day Out today. She started attending June 7th and went every Monday and Wednesday from 9am-2pm. For the past two years it has just been me and her during the day and I had finally convinced Chris to allow Kayla to attend mothers day out at our church. At first it was very bitter sweet, I felt like I was dropping my daughter off at kindergarten for the first time and I couldn't believe just how much time had passed since Chris and I first welcomed her into this world May 29th, 2009. But I must say, this experience has been so rewarding for me and Kayla. For the first time in 2 years, I have felt like I actually have two days off during the week. I have been able to get so many things accomplished during the time she has been at school that would normally take a very long time to accomplish. As for Miss. Kayla, She has been able to have some time away from mommy and make new friends and learn about God. I'm pretty sad that the program has ended, but She will be attending again in the Fall...

Nothing too exciting happened today its been pretty boring actually. Other than my mom coming by to pick up a few things for the fourth of July party they will be throwing, I pretty much just hung around, did some cleaning and watched a movie with The Bear(aka Kayla).

Chris and I purchased a pretty awesome Bed set off a couple months ago and later purchased a King size mattress off I will have to post pictures of the bed tomorrow or something, We absolutely LOVE it. Unfortunately bu fortunately, The mattress just got here yesterday allowing us to sleep on our awesome bed for the first time since we bought it. Chris and I have only ever slept on full and queen sized beds, So sleeping on a King sized mattress was really awesome. The only down fall is that I'm a cuddle bug and He's way to far away to cuddle snuggle lol. Tonight I'm pretty bummed since I'll have this huge bed all to my lonesome, I really don't like when he's away overnight I can never sleep that well when he is.

I'm really not sure what tomorrow will bring, I really have to catch on some seriously overdue laundry.... About three months overdue eeeekkkk.... But I would also like to take Kayla somewhere fun that she would enjoy. I'm thinking maybe the Children's Museum.... OH, I just remembered that I have to drop Bailey, our puppy, off at the doctors for her spay appointment.... Hmmmmm, maybe we should then see how the day goes with that, we may just stay at home and do a bunch of crafts or take a bike ride around the neighborhood and feed the ducks.

Well, I think I'm going to call it a night ending it with Pawn Stars. Here's to a peaceful nights sleep, and a smooth day tomorrow.

With love, The Morans- Mama Bear