The Moran Clan

The Moran Clan

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Life is good.

Could God really be using me to reach other people? This is the question I seem to ask myself every time He presents an opportunity for me to be a light for him. I just find it so compelling that he would want to use such a sinner like me!? Truth is I'm a little scared to disappoint God. Am I going to say the right thing? are my actions always going to be for the good? Are my words loving and sweet? Why me God, why me? But I gladly take this role and hope to not be stoned down because of my beliefs. God is good.

I'm so blessed to have been able to get a second chance at a relationship with my family. Chris, Kayla and I had so much fun last night playing Monopoly with my sister Becky brother Glenn and niece's Leah and Kate It amazes me how much Kayla loves Kate and Leah and how well they get along. Cousins are great to have the real "BFF's".

Today has been a relaxing day. This morning we all went to church and enjoyed a nice sermon about the Sovereignty of Christ . When Chris and I went to pick Kayla up however, from the kid zone we found the teachers in a panic. Apparently Kayla had had one of the worst diapers of her lifetime to date lol. She had a blow out that literally touched her ears. I really felt bad for the lady that was trying her best to clean Kayla up. There were like (no joke) 50 wipes covered in poop and all her clothes down to her socks had poop on them :-( however I'm proud to report that The helpers still want Kayla to come back. They say she's a joy to be around and just has so much fun there. I'm really happy that people want to be around my daughter and find her such a joy. I feel so blessed to have her in my life.

Chris and I are going to finish the evening off with a movie ( P.S I love you) After we put our little one down for bed. I look forward to what is in store for us this week.

Good night and God bless.

Saturday, December 5, 2009


My name is Tiffany Quinn. I was born In Houston, Texas to drug addicts and alcoholics. The government calls these people "unfit parents". I was never in the same place for long, and as you could imagine my biological parents divorced. I spent most of my infant days in a hospital fighting for my life. One day these people called Mom and Dad decided they didn't have the ability to raise me or my three other siblings and handed our life's over to an adoption agency. We were then put in separate foster homes in hopes that someone somewhere would never let go. When I was about three years old, that "someone, somewhere" found me irresistible to love. From that day on I have been known as a Quinn. I graduated from school in 04 and plan to get my aesthetics license's some day. On May 29th, 2009 I inherited the title Mommy by giving birth to a 6lb 9.5 oz healthy baby girl.

Life to me is an on going struggle. If hormones weren't already enough, I have society breathing down my back to be one way when all the while God is telling me that life is supposed to be another way. I'm always trying to please this person and that person, wondering what this one and that one thinks of me. Am I doing this right am I doing that right etc. I'm SICK of it. I think Life or living should actually be called waiting.. We are constantly "waiting" for something. sometimes, If we're lucky. That break does come. And if only for a second do we get to see God's hand in life, That to me is worth all this "waiting". I have a Fiance who's name is Chris and we have been together for almost 5 years now. He's the father of my daughter Kayla who wants nothing shy from the best for her. I am the type of person who wants the best for everyone. I try to help out in every way I can expecting nothing in return. Through life and its up's and down's I have come to know who my true friends are. Although, only hand full, I couldn't ask for better people to be in my life. I am honored to call these people friends.

Although no one can predict the future. I can only hope That following happens. 50 years from now I hope to be in my retirement home, in a tropical place somewhere, sitting on the front porch with Chris by my side while enjoying the view of the oceans sunset. We would talk about our 3 kids and their families and how they turned out. There would be talk about our mistakes and good memories. We would laugh about our struggles and doubts for future. But the best site of all would be two old farts still in love.

I would say that little girl waiting for someone to love her has somehow found love herself. Through hard times and tribulation, miraculously I'm still trucking and the pages in my life's story are still being written. Here is A Day in the Life of Tiffany.